House of Thule, Upper Floors
- Named blood elemental
- PH: a dripping blood elemental
- Click here for named location shown on zone map!
- Loot:
- Ambiguous Remnant of Desire
- Ambiguous Remnant of Devotion
- Ambiguous Remnant of Fear - Common Visible
- Ambiguous Remnant of Greed
- Ambiguous Remnant of Knowledge
- Ambiguous Remnant of Survival
- Ambiguous Remnant of Truth
- Glowing Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Greater Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Lesser Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Median Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Minor Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Ring of Gleeful Slaying
- Ring of Promises
- Shield of the Dreaming Centaur
- Spells / abilities:
- None
- Named gorilla
- PH: a bloodthirsty beast
- Click here for named location shown on zone map!
- Loot:
- Ambiguous Remnant of Desire
- Ambiguous Remnant of Devotion
- Ambiguous Remnant of Fear
- Ambiguous Remnant of Greed
- Ambiguous Remnant of Knowledge
- Ambiguous Remnant of Survival
- Ambiguous Remnant of Truth - Common Visible
- Glowing Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Golden Mask of X'Tala
- Greater Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Lesser Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Mask of Masking
- Median Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Minor Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Scimitar of the Jungle
- Spells / abilities:
- Gorilla Chomp - Single target 20k DD with 20k DoT. 5 tick duration.
- Simian Punch - Single target 25k DD with spinstun.
- Named worg
- PH: a hungry beast
- Click here for named location shown on zone map!
- Loot:
- Ambiguous Remnant of Desire
- Ambiguous Remnant of Devotion
- Ambiguous Remnant of Fear
- Ambiguous Remnant of Greed
- Ambiguous Remnant of Knowledge - Common Visible
- Ambiguous Remnant of Survival
- Ambiguous Remnant of Truth
- Frozen Band of War
- Glowing Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Greater Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Iceleaf Earring
- Lesser Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Median Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Minor Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Rotdog Bone Earring
- Spells / abilities:
- Putrefying Bite - Single target DoT with mana drain and mez.
- Savage Wargscent - A PBAE DoT, 500 to 5000 per tick (random).
Icy Devourer
- Named ooze
- PH: an icy ooze
- Click here for named location shown on zone map!
- Loot:
- Ambiguous Remnant of Desire
- Ambiguous Remnant of Devotion
- Ambiguous Remnant of Fear
- Ambiguous Remnant of Greed
- Ambiguous Remnant of Knowledge
- Ambiguous Remnant of Survival
- Ambiguous Remnant of Truth - Common Visible
- Cloak of the Majestic Unicorn
- Glowing Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Greater Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Icy Cloak
- Lesser Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Median Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Minor Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Sabre of Icy Retribution
- Spells / abilities:
- Spurt of Acidic Frost - Single target 14k DoT.
- Named spider
- PH: a funnelweb leaper
- Click here for named location shown on zone map!
- Loot:
- Ambiguous Remnant of Desire
- Ambiguous Remnant of Devotion - Common Visible
- Ambiguous Remnant of Fear
- Ambiguous Remnant of Greed
- Ambiguous Remnant of Knowledge
- Ambiguous Remnant of Survival
- Ambiguous Remnant of Truth
- Glowing Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Greater Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Insania Stone
- Lesser Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Lightbane Stud
- Median Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Minor Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Nightstorm Earrings
- Spells / abilities:
- Nightsting - Single target small DD and DoT.
- Spoiling Bite - Single target DD and DoT with stun.
- Named rotdog
- PH: a filthy rotdog
- Click here for named location shown on zone map!
- Loot:
- Ambiguous Remnant of Desire
- Ambiguous Remnant of Devotion
- Ambiguous Remnant of Fear
- Ambiguous Remnant of Greed - Common Visible
- Ambiguous Remnant of Knowledge
- Ambiguous Remnant of Survival
- Ambiguous Remnant of Truth
- Glowing Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Greater Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Lesser Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Magical Lint
- Median Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Mimes' Tear
- Minor Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Ornate Wooden Blade
- Spells / abilities:
- None
- Named centipede
- PH: a nightmarish centipede
- Click here for named location shown on zone map!
- Loot:
- Ambiguous Remnant of Desire
- Ambiguous Remnant of Devotion
- Ambiguous Remnant of Fear
- Ambiguous Remnant of Greed
- Ambiguous Remnant of Knowledge
- Ambiguous Remnant of Survival - Common Visible
- Ambiguous Remnant of Truth
- Frightbone Mask
- Glowing Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Greater Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Headcracker
- Lesser Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Median Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Minor Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Studded Veil of the Assassin
- Spells / abilities:
- Spitevenom - Single target DoT with stun.
Swirling Fog Elemental
- Named fog elemental
- PH: a drifting fog elemental
- Click here for named location shown on zone map!
- Loot:
- Ambiguous Remnant of Desire
- Ambiguous Remnant of Devotion
- Ambiguous Remnant of Fear
- Ambiguous Remnant of Greed - Common Visible
- Ambiguous Remnant of Knowledge
- Ambiguous Remnant of Survival
- Ambiguous Remnant of Truth
- Belt of the Heavens
- Glowing Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Greater Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Lesser Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Median Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Minor Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Silver Belt of Purity
- Swirling Fist of Fog
- Spells / abilities:
- Greater Disorientation - Single target 12 second spinstun.
- Insidious Fog - Single target DoT.