The Well
Death Spider
- Named spider
- PH: a feldark spider
- Click here for named location shown on zone map!
- Loot:
- Darkened Skull Ring of the Depths
- Glowing Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Greater Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Lesser Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Median Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Minor Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Recondite Remnant of Desire
- Recondite Remnant of Devotion
- Recondite Remnant of Fear
- Recondite Remnant of Greed
- Recondite Remnant of Knowledge
- Recondite Remnant of Survival
- Recondite Remnant of Truth
- Regurgitated Skull Ring
- Slime Coated Pebble of the Deep
- Spells / abilities:
- Web Tangle - A directional AE, root + 12k DoT.
Death Stinger
- Named scorpion
- PH: a feldark scorpion
- Click here for named location shown on zone map!
- Loot:
- Blackened Shroud of Death Dealer
- Furious Spiked Staff
- Glowing Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Greater Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Lesser Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Median Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Minor Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Recondite Remnant of Desire
- Recondite Remnant of Devotion
- Recondite Remnant of Fear
- Recondite Remnant of Greed
- Recondite Remnant of Knowledge
- Recondite Remnant of Survival
- Recondite Remnant of Truth
- Vial of Death Stinger's Venom
- Vial of Toxic Scorpion Venom
- Spells / abilities:
- Nightmarish Venom - Single target 8k DoT with mana and endurance drain.
Doom Snake
- Named snake
- PH: a bold cave viper
- Click here for named location shown on zone map!
- Loot:
- Doom Snake's Collar
- Glowing Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Gorget of Eternal Darkness
- Greater Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Lesser Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Median Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Minor Nebulous Dream Fragment
- Recondite Remnant of Desire
- Recondite Remnant of Devotion
- Recondite Remnant of Fear
- Recondite Remnant of Greed
- Recondite Remnant of Knowledge
- Recondite Remnant of Survival
- Recondite Remnant of Truth
- Unidentifiable Shard of Bone
- Spells / abilities:
- Necrotic Snakebite - A single target 12k DD with 4k DoT and endurance drain.