The Ferrott
Tasks go in - order, if an | exists it means you can do those in any order, but have to all be done to continue on to the end. If tasks aren't listed in a chain, they can be done at any time.
Mission Quest Chain: An Expedition Gone Awry - Uncovering the Truth - A Cursed Cure - Fall of the Tae Ew
Quest Chain: Protecting the Weak (Minded) - There's Something in the Water
Journeyman Mercenary Quest: No Heroism Without Fear |
Mercenary Quests: A Panting Lizard A Strong Silk Appeasing a Teir'Dal Meat for Eat Tangling With Wolves |
Partisan Quests: A Cursed Cure An Expedition Gone Awry Protecting the Weak (Minded) There's Something In The Water Uncovering the Truth |
Group Missions: A Tearable Fear Fall of the Tae Ew |
The Feerrott Quests Overview By: Rorce On: July 20, 2012, 12:19:45 AM
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