Morell's Castle
1. Bielaisk | 2. Bishop the Scorned | 3. Chief Maeder |
4. The Constructor | 5. Daelai | 6. Dreamweaver |
7. Esmeralda the Vengeful | 8. Feral Jackrabbit | 9. Forest Phantasm |
10. Gezriela | 11. Gnarlvine | 12. Greeta |
13. Guardian Ather | 14. Hans | 15. Nesseun |
16. Omander the Devoted | 17. Oruff the Seer | 18. The Puppeteer |
19. Redmur the Dreamlancer | 20. Seawitch Persion | 21. Silbacle |
22. Songstress Laioni | 23. Speckles | 24. Wisp of Hope |
25. Zerkelos the Damned |
Morell's Castle Named Overview By: Rorce On: August 08, 2012, 12:25:48 AM
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