Group Vendor
Rotharran Radhelm
Rotharran Radhelm is located in Feerrott, the Dream and sells Group gear in exchange for the following Alternate Currency: Dream Mote This vendor has items that are locked behind the Dream Delvers faction as well as HoT Group Progression: Apprehensive unlocks Tier 1 Gear (of Fearful Reverie). Indifferent unlocks Rk. 1 Spells. Indifferent + Tier 1 Progression unlocks Sparkling Fragment and Tier 2 Gear (of the Vagarious Servant). Amiable + Tier 1 & Tier 2 Progression unlocks Shining Fragment and Tier 3 Gear (of Disturbing Visions). Kindly + Tier 1, Tier 2, & Tier 3 Progression unlocks Emblems, Brilliant Fragment, and Tier 4 Gear (of the Elusive Eidolon). |